


EnglishUSA, the largest and most diverse professional association of English language programs in the US, has launched a new online community for more dynamic networking opportunities for its member programs, Associates, and Friends of EnglishUSA.  

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    Request for Proposals for English Language Services ...

    Posted in: EnglishUSA All Members Forum

    EnglishUSA Members: Please see the attached (info below as well) from US Commercial Services and one of their partners in Angola. Request for Proposals for English Language Services in Angola The Angolan Ministry of Economy and Planning (MINECOP) ...

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    IIE Survey, Key Findings

    Posted in: EnglishUSA All Members Forum

    In case you missed it...key findings summary from IIE survey: ************************* Dear colleagues, I wanted to share that IIE has released the results of the third survey in the COVID-19 Snapshot Survey Series about the effects of COVID-19 ...

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    Posted in: EnglishUSA All Members Forum

    The CO Department of Higher Education and StudyColorado recently released this article: http://medium.com/@CoHigherEd/now-more-than-ever-colorado-needs-international-students-28affefa3f7c Are you working with you study state consortia to highlight ...

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    Request for Proposals for English Language Services ...

    Posted in: English USA All Members Forum

    [教程] 解决 Google Chrome 浏览器跳出「有老鼠!WebGL ...:2021-4-3 · 最近这阵子使用GoogleChrome浏览器,逛网页的时候会无预警跳出「有老鼠!WebGL碰上麻烦了。」错误信息,尤其是Facebook脸书与苹果Apple网页发生机率特高,有些时候画面还会变全黑或灰色情况,页面整个卡住无法浏览情况,虽然说按忽略或 ...
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    浏览加速国外的网站_加速浏览国外网站_浏览器加速国外 ...:浏览,指我国传统的读书法,南朝的萧统在《<文选>序》中就指出要广泛地阅读。浏览一般是略观大意,它与精读相辅相成。 [1] 现今也指通过其URL检索资源。如果资源是包含指向其他资源的链接的网页,浏览网页将同时查找已链接资源的URL。用户单击映射对象的问号图标、使用“浏览”命伌时MicrosoftCo

    ICEF Virtual Americas 2023

    Posted in: 求上油管的加速器

    Moon加速器:2021-6-5 · 谷歌,YouTuBe,FaceBook,Line从此无论您身在何处都可伍轻松高速的访问。 月光加速器!套餐价格! 品质与价格,终于能兼得。 月卡 36元 /月 30天的有效期 无限流量 1台设备同时使用 每1个月付 36元人民币 年卡 ...

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    浏览器之家-电脑、手机浏览器下载推荐、评测及软件、游戏 ...:2021-5-14 · 浏览器之家专注于最新浏览器资讯及主流最好用的网页浏览器官方免费下载推荐,兼顾其他绿色电脑、手机软件及手游、网游的下载。关注、交流浏览器请加微信公众号:“浏览器之家”。欢迎游览器厂 …

    Posted in: English USA All Members Forum


  • Advocacy Action from NAFSA

    FROM NAFSA: As we enter the dog days of summer and the August recess draws nearer, the Senate continues to negotiate a COVID-19 related economic stimulus package. For those of you who have already reached out to your Senators, thank you! For those ... more
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    July 6, 2023: A Week We Won't Forget

    Posted in: EnglishUSA All Members Forum

    The week of July 6th, 2023 is one that none ...

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    Hope in Time of Crisis

    Some of us have been reflecting on the "silver ...

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    Greetings! Thanks to those who have started the renewal ...

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火狐和谷歌浏览器最棒的视频下载插件,可伍直接转换格式 ...:2021-11-4 · 火狐浏览器插件推荐(2021-4-5 ) 引垂思汀 1354播放 · 2弹幕 01:43 【布丁·教程】哔哩哔哩视频下载 [GoogleChrome插件 ... 哩哔哩视频下载 [GoogleChrome插件] 布丁丿Pudding 4966播放 · 2弹幕 05:38 2款号称永久免费的加速器

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    1st International Conference on English for Specific and Academic Purposes & Applied Linguistics

    Sep 26

  • x浏览器看YouTube

    2023 Stakeholders Conference

    【黑科技】实现满速下载:多线程下载器推荐 - 简书:2021-9-17 · 【黑科技】实现满速下载:多线程下载器推荐 日常下载电影,下载游戏,除了需要好的搜索引擎,一个强大的下载器也是必不可少的。 本文就来推荐几个多线程下载器,实现真正的满速下载! 什么是多线程下载? 打个比方,现在有一条水管,把水管中水的流速看作下载速度,水管的粗细伋表宽带 ...

    youtube视频下载(NoVirusThanks YouTube Video Downloader ...:2021-1-28 · NoVirusThanks YouTube视频下载是一个方便的免费应用程序,它可伍让你轻松下载视频流行的视频流媒体网站YouTube的FLV格式。 NoVirusThanks还支持下载YouTube ...

  • Friday

    MIDTESOL 20 - Community at a Crossroads: The Right to Education

    Oct 2